MoU Between Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) & Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)

MoU Between Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) & Regional Center for Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)

The promotion of energy efficiency and the empowerment of women in the energy sector.

On the 27th of May 2022


The purpose of this MOU
Is to establish a formal basis of cooperation and a framework for collaboration between AMEE and RCREEE. The parties seek to cooperate in areas of mutual interest and benefits.

First, encouraging professional training and personal certification for professionals in the field of energy management, namely by establishing the Pan Arab Certified Energy Management Program (PACEMP) in Morocco.
Second, Co-developing financial instruments for financing energy efficiency for the purpose of improving access to finance for industrial actors in Morocco.
Third, Contributing to gender mainstreaming and women empowerment in the energy sector.


About AMEE


The Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) is a strategic public institution, intervening on the entire value chain of the energy efficiency, sustainable mobility and clean production sector in industry.

Its mission is to contribute to the implementation of government policy action plans in order to exploit the significant potential in energy saving in the various socio-economic sectors, thus aiming at reducing energy dependence and preserving the environment.


On the other side, RCREEE is an intergovernmental organization mandated by its 17 Arab member states to lead renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives and expertise to increase Arab states' share of tomorrow's modern energy solutions.




The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) is an independent, non-profit regional organization that aims to enable and increase the adoption of renewable energy and energy efficiency practices in the Arab region. RCREEE teams up with regional governments and global organizations to initiate and lead dialogues, strategies, technologies and capacity development on clean energy policies to increase the share of Arab states in the energy of tomorrow.

RCREEE was established on the basis of the Cairo Declaration which was signed in June 2008 by government representatives from ten Arab countries. The declaration set out the following two fundamental objectives for the establishment of the centre:

1. Disseminate the implementation of cost-effective renewable energy and energy efficiency policies, strategies and technologies in the Arab region.

2. Increase the share of renewable energy and energy efficiency products and services in the Arab region and their share of the global market.

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