Call for university professors and students to participate in focus groups on women opportunities in STEM sector in Egypt

To understand constraints that may impact women in the transition from school to university, and from university to the workplace, the World Bank in cooperation with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) are conducting focus group discussions on the role of education and educators in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.

We invite all universities students and professors to participate in the focus group discussions and elaborate on different topics affecting women’s opportunities in STEM education and in job markets afterwards.

The World Bank and the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP) attempt to study opportunities and challenges women and men face to access economic opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) industries, specifically as they are related to the energy sector. The goal is to identify key causes of women under-representations in the energy sector in MENA and effective ways to address and promote their role; and based on findings, make recommendations for way forward.

Join the focus group now!

  • University professors willing to take part in the focus groups can register here
  • University students willing to take part in the focus groups can register here


*Discussions during the focus groups will remain confidential and will be used only for research purposes.

**Participants will not be identifiable in any materials or resources.


For inquiries, please contact:

Sara Ibrahim Elhag
Sustainable Energy Expert
Head of Unit - SE Projects Implemetation & Private Investment Promotion
Phone: +202 241 54755 (Ext. 281)

Rana El-Guindy
Expert, Energy Economics
Phone: +202 241 54755 (Ext. 277)

Akram Al Mohamadi
Senior Sustainable Energy Specialist
Phone: +202 241 54755 (Ext. 290)

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