EELA Webinar Series 2021

We are happy to announce the successful completion of the first and second webinars of the EELA 2021 webinar series. The first webinar that took place on 18 May 2021, was organised in collaboration with the Efficiency for Access Coalition and the University of Edinburgh and was based on their working paper,  Pathways to Repair in the Global Off-Grid Sector. The speakers provided an engaging overview of the benefits and barriers to increasing repair in the energy access sector for policy makers and other stakeholders in the EAC and SADC.

In the second webinar, which took place on 14 July 2021, financiers and energy efficiency practitioners presented international and regional experiences in financing energy efficient lighting and appliances projects and elaborated on opportunities and challenges to accessing funding in the EAC and SADC. The webinar also shared information on the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing facility. The presenters included practitioners in the energy efficiency sector, financial institutions as well as the advisory firm that will support applicants to the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-financing facility.

Stay tune for the next two exciting webinars for 2021!

  1. Opportunities for Energy Efficiency for on- and off-grid productive use equipment – 6 October 2021.
  2. Early lessons from the EELA Technical Assistance and Co-Financing Facility and prospects for scalability – 8 December 2021

For more information please follow this link:

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