Mediterranean Investment Facility-Egypt holds a virtual training course

Within the framework of Mediterranean Investment Facility-Egypt (MIF) Project, and on behalf of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), Egyptian Ministry of Housing (MOH), Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea (IMELS), Politecnico di Milano – Department of Energy (PoliMi), RCREEE held a virtual training on Monday, August the 24th.

The training introduced the proposed ordinance on the reduction of the cooling needs of buildings that was developed by the project to the Egyptian Ministry of Housing (MOH) representatives. The workshop also included a hands-on training on the new compliance tool/software that is developed in order to check compliance with the Egyptian Building Energy Code. Moreover, the workshop covered the study that led to the development of the proposed ordinance and gave an overview summary of the building physics fundamentals behind the developed tool (software).

About Mediterranean Investment Facility-Egypt (MIF)

The Mediterranean Investment Facility (MIF) is a joint initiative under UN Environment Programme and the Italian Ministry for the Environment Land and Sea (IMELS) with the support of Politecnico di Milano – Department of Energy (PoliMi) aiming to develop an effective, sustainable renewable energy market system in the greater Mediterranean region and to provide supporting financial tools.

In cooperation with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and the Egyptian Ministry of Housing (MoH), MIF is launched in Egypt to scale up clean energy technologies and incentives in the Egyptian market.

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