Celebrating the first Arab certification program for Energy Management Professionals

After launching the first program of its kind, we are proud to announce the certification of 17 energy management professional in the program first round. Introduced by RCREEE, the program was endorsed by the Executive Bureau of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity endorsed during their 32nd session on 31 May 2016.

Certificate awarding ceremony was held last Sunday (22 October 2017) in the presence of Head of Energy Department at LAS, Eng. Jamila Mattar, First Undersecretary for Research, Planning and Authorities' Follow up Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Dr. Mohamed Omran and RCREEE Executive Director, Dr. Ahmed Badr.

The certification pilot was held in Egypt from 10-14 September 2017 with the attendance of 30 applicants. The preparatory course and materials were delivered by the international consulting firm "Econoler".

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