After 2 years of networking, collaboration, meetings and mutually reinforcing activities, meetMED project concludes its activities in SEMCs

After 2 years of commitment towards reinforcing regional cooperation, the Mitigation Enabling Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region (meetMED) project ends.

meetMED project is an EU-funded project, developed by the Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Management (MEDENER) and the Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) to support regional cooperation and build technical capacity for energy transition in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean (SEM) countries. It aimed mainly at fostering the energy transition in Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine and Tunisia by enhancing the share of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) and Energy Efficiency (EE) in their energy mix.

Since its launch in Barcelona, Spain, RCREEE has conducted a number of activities under meetMED umbrella. RCREEE has led and co-led a number of activities including:

  • Assessing and supporting the development and implementation of EE and RES policies and strategies and the approximation of EE and RES legislative and regulatory framework in the Mediterranean region
  • Reinforcing public awareness and capacity building of local stakeholders on EE and RES
  • Ensuring positive impact on the local economy, in terms of local economic growth and job creation in SEMCs countries, engaging private sector to support market up-take in the EE and RES sectors
  • Support UfM REEE Platform by contributing to the relevant topics aimed at the progressive realization of the Energy Transition in the Mediterranean region

Click here to access meetMED reports, concept notes and training packages.

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