ATMP continues its effort mitigating environmental risk while increasing wind power projects productivity in the Gulf of Suez

April 2020, Gulf of Suez-Egypt: Despite the outbreak of COVID-19 virus, Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP) activities are ongoing in the gulf of Suez area as the bird migration spring season is at its peak.

The bird monitoring and the shutdown on demand programs at the BOO Wind Power Plant 262.5 MW at the Gulf of Suez are efficiently proceeding. As over million birds fly over the Gulf of Suez bird migration corridor during the spring season, ATMP continues it’s strive towards bird protection and conservation in one of the most important bird migration corridors.

Active Turbine Management program (ATMP) is one of RCREEE’s flagship programs launched in 2015. The project aims to optimize the operation time of wind turbines, while ensuring safety and risk mitigation for migratory soaring birds. Focusing on the Gulf of Suez, in particular, as it is an important bird migration corridor and therefore the development of wind power projects in this area has the potential to result in significant impacts to migrating birds as well as other environmental and social receptors. The Cooperation Agreement on the Management and Implementation of the ATMP included three main programs; the Bird Monitoring Program, the Fatality Monitoring Program and the Shutdown on Demand Program of Wind Power Plants for Private Investors in the Gulf of Suez Region.

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