Workshop on KPI’s for Electricity Sector in Egypt...Current Situation and Development Perspectives

RCREEE and the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (MoERE) organized on 11 and 12 June 2014 in Cairo, Egypt, an expert consultation workshop focusing on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the electric sector and their impact on energy efficiency policies and electricity supply security. The workshop introduced the concept of performance management and key performance indicators to key electrical sector stakeholders in Egypt. Participants from government, regulations, production and distribution shared experience and best practices in the field. The end goal is to enhance power sector performance and promote energy efficiency in Egypt.

The goal of the workshop was to give common definitions and skills related to KPI’s in electric sector, used as key parameters and inputs for monitoring and evaluation of electricity performance. Then getting these expertise and know-how and sharing experiences and current practices among different actors in the field will have an impact on enhancing power sector performance. The workshop addressed the current situation and development perspective of the electricity sector and identified the required changes to enhance and increase its performance.

The workshop was attended by, Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, League of Arab States, all stakeholders involved in electricity sector in Egypt: Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency, RCREEE, six electricity production companies, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company, and nine electricity distribution companies. 

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