A Visit from RCREEE to Start Cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

A delegation from the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) visited the Islamic Republic of Mauritania on 3 and 4 November 2014, in the framework of Mauritania joining RCREEE. The delegation consisted of Eng. Yasser Abdallah, Chairman of RCREEE Board of Trustees, and Mrs. Amel Bida, Senior Associate Consultant at RCREEE.

A few meetings were held with stakeholders in the oil and electricity sectors in general, and renewable energy and energy efficiency in particular. This includes the Ministry of Petroleum, Energy and Mines, the Rural Electrification Development Agency, the Agency for Promotion of Universal Access to basic services, and The Mauritanian Electricity Company.

In this regard, the delegation reviewed RCREEE secretariat’s activities and achievements, and elaborated services that RCREEE can provide to Mauritania. The services include strengthening capacities, sharing experiences of other member states, and technical assistance in designing and implementation of policies to develop renewable energy and energy efficiency. In addition to promoting decentralized projects for the use of renewable energy in rural and isolated places. And, also training young graduates from Mauritania in the Arab Program the Arab Program for Sustainable Energy Youth (APSEY).

During the meeting, the Mauritanian side expressed its expectations in receiving assistance from RCREEE. This includes access to research activities, attracting investments, developing testing laboratories, capacity development and providing technical support in the preparation and planning of projects.

A member from Mauritania has been appointed as the focal point to communicate with RCREEE engineers and experts to implement the activities and work plan of RCREEE.

The meeting ended by conducting field visits to some of the renewable energy projects in Mauritania. These include Sheikh Zayed solar project and the wind power project for Amghar village.

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