On the 11th April 2014, the ECOWAS Commissioner for Education, Science and Culture accompanied by the Director of the same Department paid a working visit to the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE). Also in the entourage was Ms Ruby David-Expert on Culture at the ECOWAS Commission, Mr Francisco Mendes- Cape Verde’s ECOWAS Focal Person and Ms. Zaida Sanches of the state protocol-CV.

Opening the meeting, Mr. Bah Saho apologised on behalf of the Executive Director of ECREEE for his inability to be in the office to meet the Commissioner because of other equally important missions in the region. Mr Saho went on to give a quick presentation on ECREEE’s activities which attracted some questions from the ECOWAS Director of Education, Science and Culture.

Staffs of ECREEE who were present at the meeting were asked to inform the house on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency activities in their respective countries. The Director also inquired about further research activities in ECREEE to come out with quality information that will benefit the region. The mandate, objectives, mission and current undertakings or activities of ECREEE were explained by Mr. Bah Saho to the Commissioner and his entourage.

In his contribution, Mr. Hannes Bauer, (Seconded Expert from Austria Development Agency) noted that, ECREEE is one of the best performing regional projects on the work programmes of Austrian Development Cooperation. He confirmed that ECREEE is seen as a model institution which is being replicated in other regions of Africa and the Caribbean (Small Island countries). The Commissioner and Director both suggested future collaborations between ECREEE and the newly established renewable energy and energy efficiency centres in the northern and southern Africa and the Caribbean regions in terms of knowledge sharing.

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