SPC Headquarter moving to Green Energy

SPC Headquarters will be supplied with solar energy very soon! The installation of the solar panels at SPC Headquarters has been completed, and the operating authorization is expected shortly.

The new photovoltaic system is aligned with SPC's Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) policy and its 2017-2022 Climate Change Framework. It will enable SPC to act as a responsible organization proudly contributing to regional efforts against global warming, and to the goal set by the 2015 Paris Agreement (COP 21).

Completed in less than 3 months (December 2020 - February 2021), this project is the culmination of a long-term commitment. Initiated in 2013 following an energy performance audit, it symbolizes SPC's commitment to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

Key figures:

  • 639 solar panels
  • 1200 m2 of panels, or nearly 4 basketball courts
  • 120 meters of lifeline
  • 60% of Headquarters energy needs covered
  • 60% reduction in electricity costs
  • 455 tonnes of CO2 saved / year
  • Return on investment from the 7th year​s

How does it work?

The average PV production will be almost completely self-consumed during working days (90% on average), and will most of the time be injected into the network on non-working days, ie around 84 days per year. The solar panels were imported from Australia and use new technology including one microinverter per panel to facilitate long-term maintenance. All staff will soon be able to have access to the system supervision via an internet gateway.

And thanks to who?

The project is the result of the joint efforts of several Divisions including the General Directorate, Finance, Facilities, procurement and members of the procurement Committee, and the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Programme (CCES).


Aude Chenet, Acting Director of the CCES Program
Véronique TUNKS, Facilities Manager​
Arnaud DEPLANQUE, Maintenance Supervisor

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