SADC Joint Meeting of Ministers responsible for Energy and Water hosted by the Republic of Mozambique through video conference

The Ministers Responsible for Energy, and for Water from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) met on 30th October 2020 through video conferencing hosted by the Republic of Mozambique. The Ministers deliberated on programmes of regional dimensions in support of the implementation of the recently approved SADC Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) 2020-30 and the SADC Vision 2050, particularly programmes of infrastructure development.

The meeting reviewed progress made towards the delivery of the programmes in the energy and water sectors, and implementation of previous Ministerial decisions from the meeting held in Windhoek, Namibia, in May 2019. The meeting also considered a report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has affected investments in the Energy and Water sectors in the Region, and proposed mitigation measures that could be applied at regional and national level. Ministers reviewed strategic instruments for guiding adherence to COVID-19 and similar pandemics in the energy sector at regional and national level, and called for continuous assessment and monitoring of the impacts.

Follow the original article link to read the read full statement and remarks below:

Full Statement - ENGLISH

Statement - FRENCH

Statement - PORTUGUESE

SADC ES, Dr Tax Remarks for Ministers of Energy and Water

Speech by Honourable Minister Ernesto Max Elias Tonela

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