SACREEE Offers Industrial Energy Efficiency Training

The SADC Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (SACREEE) in collaboration with Kafue Regional Training Centre (KGRTC) organised an Industrial Energy Efficiency Training to provide capacity building to the regional industrial sector in energy efficiency on July 21st – August 14th, 2020. The training was part of a capacity building activity carried out under the Sida-funded KGRTC/International Labour Organisation (ILO) Skills Development for Renewable Energy Sector (SkiDRES) pilot project.

The training complements the SADC Industrial Energy Efficiency Programme (SIEEP), which was designed to support SADC’s industrialisation agenda as elaborated in the SADC Industrialisation Strategy and Roadmap (2015-2063).

The main objective of the training was to contribute to a sustainable transformation of industrial energy usage practices by introducing energy management systems encompassing optimization for motors, pumping, compressed air, steam, and lighting systems in industry.

The training was facilitated by a seasoned South African based United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) certified trainer. It targeted the industrial sector technical personnel with goals that include introduction of new energy management standards. The online training received a lot of support and interest across the SADC region and beyond. A total of 60 candidates from 10 countries registered for the training. Gender representation was well balanced with 27 women and 33 men with background and experience varying from Government, academia, private sector and utility companies.

This industrial energy efficiency pilot training programme was an undoubted success in terms of raising the awareness of the numerous benefits such as the need for a systematic approach to energy management and instilling a practical appreciation and understanding of the basic concepts for doing so.

SACREEE is exploring opportunities to make this training a standing activity since capacity building is one of the pillars of the implementation of SIEEP.

For more details on the Industrial Energy Efficiency  

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