Praia, Cabo Verde, Tuesday September 9th, 2014

The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) received a delegation composed of representatives of the InfraCo Africa, based in the United Kingdom, and a representation of EleQtra, with its headquarters in Ghana

The objective of the 9 member delegation was to create a platform to share experiences in their operations with that of ECREEE. The InfraCo Africa is a multi-government funded, privately managed company providing early stage development capital and expertise to develop infrastructure projects in sub-Saharan Africa. The company acts as an ‘honest broker’ seeking to create viable infrastructure investment opportunities that balance the interests of host governments, the national and international private sector and providers of finance. The EleQtra on the other hand, has on its portfolio a considerable and extensive experience implementing large projects regarding renewable energy in more than ten African countries, including Ghana, Cabo Verde, Liberia and Senegal, all of which are Member States of the ECOWAS community.

The meeting provided ECREEE with the opportunity to share information about its contribution towards the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Special emphasis of the discussions was placed on the RE and EE policies adopted, the capacity building programs to increase knowledge in the thematic area and the projects financed and implemented throughout the region. The purpose was to find ways to boost the penetration of renewable energy in the sub-region.

The meeting was an important step to seek and establish opportunities for collaboration among these institutions, which have a common goal of promoting renewable energy in Africa.

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