RCREEE's ATMP manager Ali Khazma convoyed the Egyptian experience in Active Turbine Management Program #ATMP cooperated with #IFC and #lekelaEgypt


 The CWW2022 conference continues its activities and sessions regarding the wildlife conservation with wind energy. RCREEE's ATMP manager Ali Khazma convoyed the Egyptian experience in Active Turbine Management Program #ATMP cooperated with #IFC and #lekelaEgypt, Where he has presented the innovative unique governance framework of the Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP) in Egypt.


This happened within Special Session about Emerging Markets at CWW2022 organized by Natural Power, British Trust for Ornithology and Bureau Waardenburg with the presence of the following organizations :

RCREEE; Asian development Bank; Birdlife international; IFC; West inc.; Lekela Power; British Trust for Ornithology.

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