RCREEE Participates in the Fifteenth Meeting of the Unified Arab Codes for Organized Building Committee

The Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) participated in the fifteenth meeting of the Unified Arab Codes for Organized Building, organized by the Department of Environment, Housing, Water & Sustainable Development Department of the League of Arab States on 16 and 17 September, 2014 at the headquarter of the League of Arab States.

This meeting was chaired by Dr. Ali Abdul-Hussein Mejbel Al-Tamimi - Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Unified Arab building Codes with the help of Eng. Walid El Araby on behalf of Dr. Jamal Al-Din Gaballah, Head of Department of Environment, Housing, Water & Sustainable Development Department of the League of Arab States.

The meeting was attended by representatives of some member states of the Arab League (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Bahrain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, the Republic of Iraq, Qatar and Kuwait, Arab Republic of Egypt and the Kingdom of Morocco) and some Arab and the regional organizations such as the Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization and the Federation of Arab Engineers along with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) represented by Mrs. Amel Bida as an assistant expert in renewable energy and energy efficiency and Eng. Diana Athamneh, researcher at RCREEE.

The meeting subject was centered on several axes; including the follow-up on the 30th round of the Arab ministers council of Housing and construction which was held on 18 December, 2013 as well as topics related to the preparation of Unified Arab codes and updating its application procedures and other relevant points.

With regard to the progress of the preparation and application of special codes for energy efficiency in buildings, a request by the Republic of Iraq and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan has been directed about their desire to collaborate with RCREEE to take advantage of the expansion project "e-Quest” as a tool to apply the energy efficiency codes in buildings.

On the sidelines of the meeting, RCREEE participated in a workshop organized by the Euro-Mediterranean project “MED-ENEC" on 15 September in Cairo about energy efficiency building codes enforcement addressing, in particular, the issue of implementation and evaluation of these codes in the Arab- Mediterranean countries that are members in this project.

Dr. Tareq Emtairah, the Executive Director of RCREEE presented the "e-QUEST" software and the possibility of countries to benefit from the expansion of its use as a tool to apply the energy efficiency codes in buildings. It is worth mentioning that RCREEE worked on the software development for the benefit of the Arab countries in order to be used by engineers, architects, contractors and energy auditors as an analytical tool to adjust the matching of energy efficiency code in buildings.

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