RCREEE organizes a technical mission on “Solar Market Distributed Generation”

In cooperation with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan and the Swedish International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE), RCREEE is organizing an eight-day technical mission to Jordan from 6th to 13th of April 2014. The mission is aimed to conduct a scoping study of the country’s distributed generation solar market.

The purpose of the study is to identify consumer segments where solar PV installations for self-consumption are economically and commercially viable in the Jordanian power market. The study will focus on large power consumers such as hotels, banks, and large industrial groups where PV grid parity may already exist. Based on consultations with these stakeholders, the study team will propose a roadmap to overcome barriers and scale up investments in these market segments. The study will conclude with a national roundtable that brings together important stakeholders to discuss the proposed roadmap for Jordan.

This mission will be followed by another technical mission to assess Jordan’s readiness to adopt SHAMCI certification scheme for solar water heaters.

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