RCREEE an observer member in the 12th meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity and the 33rd meeting of the Executive Bureau to the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) Executive Director, Ahmed Badr attended the 12th meeting of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity and its 33rd Executive Bureau meeting held on 5-6 April 2017 at the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States' Headquarters

Egyptian Minister of Electricity and Renewable Energy, Dr. Mohamed Shaker El-Markabi chaired the 33rd meeting of the Executive Bureau of the Arab Ministerial Council for Electricity. During his opening speech, Dr. Shaker highlighted the important role played by RCREEE in supporting and disseminating the concepts of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the Arab region, and the continues cooperation between RCREEE activities and the activities of the Energy Department at the League of Arab States (LAS).

In addition, RCREEE was an observer of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity meeting. The meeting opening session was attended by;

  • H.E. Dr. Mohammed Saleh Al Sada, Minister of Energy and Industry, Qatar and the Chairman of the 11th Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity
  • Mr. Kamal Hassan Ali, The Assistant Secretary-General, Head of the Economic Affairs sector at the league of Arab States
  • H.E.Mr. Issam Abdulmohsen Almarzooq, Minister of Oil, Minister of Electricity & Water, Kuwait
  • Eng. Jamila Mattar, Head of Energy Department, Economic Sector, the League of Arab States

During the meeting, 14 Arab countries signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish an integrated Arab electricity market. The 14 Arab countries are Bahrain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, Comoros, Kuwait, Libya, Egypt, Morocco and Yemen.

Due to RCREEE role in the preparation of the 3rd RE & EE Guide (Daleel) of the Arab Region, and its contribution to the preparation of the Arab sustainable energy strategy, providing technical support and assistance to the Arab countries in preparing their national renewable energy and energy efficiency action plans, organizing workshops, and updating the Arab Energy Efficiency Guideline. The Chairman of the Executive Bureau and the Secretariat of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity addressed RCREEE with special thanks in his speech.

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