RCREEE highlights solar energy potential in off-grid areas

Within the framework of diesel to solar (D2S) initiative, the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency, with support from United Nations Development Program (UNDP) published a new report entitled “Diesel to Solar Transformation: Assessing Untapped Solar Potential in Existing Off-grid Systems”.

The study highlights an initial assessment for the opportunities for introducing solar PV into existing off-grid diesel-based energy systems in four Arab countries. It revealed significant market potential in Djibouti, Egypt, Sudan and Yemen.  The Diesel to Solar Transformation report presents the market segments and diesel-intensive applications including water pumping and mini-grids, which show significant promise for off-grid solar PV retrofitting projects.

In addition, the report includes practical recommendations to both national governments and development organizations on how to develop and scale up this untapped market with an estimated size of up to 3,500 MW of solar PV systems in the four countries, according to the initial assessment.

The D2S initiative was first launched in 2014 to enable the regional transition towards sustainable energy and helps address climate change issues in the Arab region.

It encourages private investors to reduce diesel consumption by integrating solar PV technology into existing diesel-based systems. D2S Initiative is part of RCREEE’s ongoing efforts to enable private investments in sustainable energy solutions in its member states.

To download the full report please visit: http://bit.ly/1TAW4nk

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