RCREEE Expert Presents Renewable Energy in Industry and Private Investments in the Middle East in Germany

Mr. Amer Barghouth, Private Investments Project Manager at the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) attended two conferences in Germany from 28 May to 3 June 2014 where he presented Renewable Energy (RE) in Industry and Private Investments in the Middle East to German and international audience.

Mr. Barghouth presented during the event, “Self-Consumption of Renewable Energy in the Manufacturing and Tourism Industry in Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco”, where he talked about “Renewable Energy in the Manufacturing and Tourism Industries in Egypt - Regulatory Framework and Market Potential" in order to highlight profitable private investment opportunities in renewable energy applications for self-consumption in Egypt, with a focus on solar PV, solar thermal, and waste-to-energy technologies. The conference was organized by Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG as part of the Export Initiative, "Renewables: Made in Germany", and sponsored by the German Ministry of Environment and Energy in Berlin on 28 May.

Mr. Bargouth also made a presentation during the “Intersolar Europe” conference on June 3, 2014 in Munich, where he talked about "Private Investments in MENA Region - Unleashing the Distributed Generation Market" in order to discuss profitable private investment opportunities in PV utility-scale and distributed generation in RCREEE member states. The presentation highlighted the findings of the research conducted as part of the Private Investments Promotion Program, RCREEE's newest program.

Speaking at the two conferences is a part of RCREEE’s strategy to shed the light on sustainable energy private sector needs and areas of intervention. RCREEE aims to increase sustainable energy private investments in RE and EE in the MENA region, and influence policy and institutional decision making related to renewable energy and energy efficiency.

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