RCREEE chairs the Global Network for Sustainable Energy Centers (GN-SEC)

During the second meeting for the Global Network for Regional Sustainable energy Centers (GN-SEC) held in Vienna 13 May 2017, RCREEE was chosen to chair the Global Network of Regional Sustainable Energy Centers for the next two years. The GN-SEC is an international UNIDO-coordinated platform composed of a wide diversity of regional centers worldwide enforcing the role of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies in Sub Sahara Africa, North Africa, the Caribbean, the Pacific and other regions.

The network serves as a holistic umbrella fostering the know-how exchange among the different centers, allowing for the wide spread of best-practice examples especially in developing economies. Within this framework, UNIDO provides key technical services for the establishment and operation of such sustainable regional centers.

The core mission of the network is to contribute to the achievement of SDG Goal 7 on Sustainable Energy and SDG 9 on Sustainable Industrial Development, by limiting to the largest possible extent a global surface temperature increase of 2°C or 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels

The GN-SEC concept was created to have a network of centers all of which can apply a standard successful working methodology, each adapted to their specific backgrounds. The initiative is to allow regional centers to safe significant resources in terms of time and acquisition of experience, allowing them to achieve greater impact in a shorter time lapse. 

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