RCREEE and EEAA cooperate to train and develop national capacities during bird migration season in Egypt

March 08, 2021 – Cairo, Egypt: Within RCREEE ongoing efforts to enhance environmental friendly wind energy projects in Egypt. The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and the Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA) signed an executive protocol coordinating efforts for the training and national capacity building in the field of monitoring, identification and study of migratory birds and their interaction with Wind Turbines in Egypt during the Spring 2021 bird migration season.

Under RCREEE Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP), the protocol aims to build the national capacities through various capacity training programs for environmental monitoring, bird monitoring, shutdown on demand program, as well as bird fatality monitoring.

The training will contribute enhancing the protection of the migratory soaring birds throughout their migration routes in Egypt.

About ATMP:

To mitigate environmental and biodiversity risks while harnessing the benefits of wind energy potential in Egypt, RCREEE initiated the ATMP in 2015 to determine the optimum wind turbines operations periods during the heavy bird migratory seasons. The project is launched in Egypt as the Gulf of Suez falls into one of the heaviest bird migration routes of autumn and spring seasons (Rift Valley / Red Sea flyway).

The program is divided into 3 main sub-programs; the Bird Monitoring Program, the Shutdown on Demand Program and the Fatality Monitoring Program that are pertinent for all Wind Power Plant Private Investments in the Gulf of Suez region.

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