Promoting Sustainable Energy Entrepreneurship in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

Empowering the Private Sector and the Business Communities to be the driver of the sustainable energy development in the Pacific Island countries and territories (PICTs) will be the objective of a weeklong South-South Capacity Building Exchange in Suva, next week.

As part of the Paris Agreement, PICTs have adopted ambitious national renewable energy and energy efficiency targets that are to be urgently installed as part of their contributions to saving their islands and the planet from the effects of climate change. These energy targets will cost billions of dollars and these are real commercial opportunities for the private sector and the business communities.

The exchange is on promoting sustainable energy entrepreneurship in the PICTs and will mostly be based    on the success stories and experiences in Fiji. There will also be opportunities to learn from experiences in other PICTs and to visit the project sites in Fiji, some costing more than a million dollar in value. For instance, participants will learn about the 1.1 Mega Watts solar installation at the recently constructed Coca Cola Amatil’s production and packaging facility that was commissioned by the Fiji Prime Minister, Voreqe Bainimarama in early July 2017.

“We are seeing more and more renewable energy and energy efficiency projects costing more than a million dollars in the region and the Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) is supporting the private sector in the region to be a key player in these opportunities. In fact, the PCREEE is a specialised regional set up with the aim of promoting renewable energy and energy efficiency investments, markets and industries in the PICTs,” said Peceli Nakavulevu, Private Sector Expert at the PCREEE.

The workshop is facilitated by the PCREEE and supported by the governments of New Zealand and the United States of America.

PCREEE is co-hosted by SPC and the Tonga Government at Nuku’alofa, Tonga and is a collaboration between SPC, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, SIDS Dock, the Government of Tonga and the Government of Austria.

Media contact:
Atishma Lal, SPC Project Information Assistant, or +679 3379402

PCREEE contact:
Solomone Fifita, Manager, PCREEE, Corner of Taufa’ahau and Wellington Roads, Nuku’alofa, Phone +676 25209,

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