As the Pacific Islands prepare for COP 26 at Glasgow next month, Samoa has taken the priority for urgent and ambitious actions to cut down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to another level by translating plans into actions on the ground. Guided by its Energy Management Act (2020), its Second Nationally Determined Contribution (2NDC) and its Energy Sector Plan, the Minister of Works Transport and Infrastructure, Hon. Olo Fiti Vaai, unveiled a partnership between the Electric Power Corporation, government and the local motor car dealer Ford Hyundai Samoa to assess the feasibility of electric mobility for Samoa.

The study will look at the appropriateness of e-mobility to Samoa’s transport and power infrastructure as well as its contribution to Samoa’s GHG mitigation effort. “Relevant technical, economic and social data will be collected to enable government to immediately formulate evidence-based policies and decisions about transitioning from fossil fuel vehicles and embracing electric vehicles,” said the Minister.

The power utility-government-private sector partnership was unveiled during Samoa’s Second Sustainable Energy Awareness Programme for 2021 which was on the theme: “Sustainable Transportation Through the Introduction of Electric Mobility.’’

Samoa’s 2NDC was submitted under the Paris Agreement in July 2021. In 2007, 50% of the emissions came from the energy sector, of which, 54% was from the land transport sector. Samoa therefore aims to reduce GHG emissions in the energy sector by 30%, 4% in wastes and 26% in the AFOLU sector by 2030 compared to 2007. In the electricity sub-sector, it plans to expand renewable electricity generation, introduce monitoring and energy efficiency programs, and introduce grid stabilization and network loss reduction programs. Samoa aims to generate 100 percent of electricity from renewable sources by 2025. It aims to reduce GHG emissions in the land transport sector by initially electrifying a percentage of vehicles in Samoa, with an incremental percentage increase each year. In maritime transport, it aims to develop shore side electricity supply for vessels and reviewing the energy efficiency of maritime transport, introducing renewable energy technologies to vessels. 

Samoa’s Sustainable Energy Awareness programme was held at the Apita o Pisaga Hall, Salelologa, Savai’i on 21st and 22nd October and attended by 170 participants including communities, schools, government officials and partners. The event also included essay competitions for secondary school children which was divided into 2 divisions.

Division 1: Year 9 level were assessed on the topic: The economic, environment and social benefits of electric vehicles in Samoa. The Prize winners were; 1st - Le’emo Ielu, 2nd Emmanuel Sale & 3rd Susana Penatino. 

Division 2: Year 13 level were assessed on the topic:  Are electric vehicles the future of transportation in Samoa? Why and Why not? The prize winners were; 1st Kaisara Esera, 2nd Justin Taoipu & 3rd Pamela Faimata.

Samoa’s awareness programme was a partnership with the Pacific Community’s (SPC) Pacific Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (PCREEE) and its e-mobility readiness programme. This readiness programme is to best prepare Pacific Islands to make informed decisions about their e-mobility futures. The PCREEE supported the Samoa event from its EV Awareness programme and is open to also provide support to island countries on the EV Policies and Regulations, Guidelines and Standards as well as on Demonstration and Upscale.


Useful link:
PCREEE EV Readiness Programme (PEV ReadPro) | PCREEE

Media Contact: 
Sione Misi, Pacific Islands Energy Professional - sionem@spc.int / sione.misi@pcreee.org

Photo 1: Back Row: Students and government officials, Front row: Heremoni S Ah-How, Energy Sector Coordinator; Leiataua Henry Ah-Ching, Acting CEO, Ministry of Finance; Hon. Minister of EPC, Olo Afoa Fonoti Fiti Afoa Vaai, Simon Fruean, Country Manager, Ford Hyundai Samoa, Niuava Eti Malolo, Associate Minister for EPC.


Photo 2: A 5-year old participant taking advantage of the opportunity to witness the future of transportation in Samoa.


Photo 3: Hon. Minister Olo with the Officials from Ford Hyundai Samoa.


Photo 4: Participants from the various villages in Savaii participating in the event.


Photo 5 (left): 1st prize winner for Division 1: Miss Le’emo Ielu from Savaii Sisifo College with the Ass. Minister for EPC, Niuava Eti Malolo during the prize giving.

Photo 6 (right): 1st prize winner for Division 2: Mr. Kaisara Esera from Mataaevave College, with the Hon. Assc. Minister for EPC, Niuava Eti Malolo during the prize giving.

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