New strategic cooperation signed to support renewable energy development in Iraq

July 15, 2020 - The Iraqi Engineers Syndicate, the Iraqi General Company for Exhibitions and Commercial Services, and the Baghdad Renewable Energy and Sustainability Center (BRESC) signed a strategic cooperation agreement to support the development of the renewable energy sector in Iraq.

The newly signed agreement will support the promotion of renewable energy, and sets standardization schemes for approving architecture and constructions designs. It will also support in developing a reference for investment in the production and distribution of energy to increase energy efficiency measures through smart and innovative methods.

In addition, the agreement supports the private sector in establishing partnerships in areas related to clean energy, through training and qualification and scientific research, which stimulates direct and indirect employment opportunities in relevant sectors.

"The agreement aims to create a national sector that is able to implement and manage renewable energy projects throughout Iraq. These projects will provide significant job opportunities and at the same time contribute in solving the energy crisis in Iraq through smart and innovative ways. We will start with training programs to build capabilities that meet the sector needs in cooperation with global training institutions, as well as encouraging youth projects." Said Dr. Mohammed Shaker, President of the Baghdad Center for Energy and Sustainability and RCREEE Executive Committee member.

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