LCEC and UNDP develop a new course on solar PV applications adopted by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education

The Lebanese Ministry of Education and Higher Education has recently issued a new decision to include a 60-hour technical course on “solar photovoltaic installations, maintenance and operation” in the curriculum of the third year technical baccalaureate (BT “electrotechnique”).

The decision number is 164/2017 and is signed by the Director General of the Ministry. The contents of the course was developed with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the DREG project and in collaboration with the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC). The content is based on the outputs of the EU-funded project MED-DESIRE.

With the support of two Lebanese companies Solarnet and Ecosys, LCEC had previously installed a solar PV system at the Dekwaneh technical school as a pilot project to be used by professors and students. Given the yearly increase in the market size of solar photovoltaic applications in Lebanon, this new course would give a great benefit to students graduating with a BT degree and aiming to embark on a renewable energy career path.

More on the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation:

The Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation (LCEC) is a governmental organization affiliated to the Lebanese Ministry of Energy and Water (MEW). LCEC is the technical arm of the Ministry in all subjects related to energy efficiency, renewable energy, and green buildings.

Lebanon currently chairs the Board of Trustees of the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). Lebanon joined RCREEE member states since its establishment in 2008.

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