LAS, RCREEE and GIZ organize a training course tackling Long-term Energy Demand of Djibouti

Under the framework of Policy Dialogue and Knowledge Management on Low Emissions Development Strategies in the MENA Region (DIAPOL-CE), the Energy Department -League of Arab States in cooperation with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) and (GIZ) prepared a study titled "Analysis of Long-term Energy Demand of Djibouti- Projection of future final energy demand up to 2050".

To showcase the main outcome of the study, an online training course was organized on September 27, 2020 with close coordination with RCREEE Board of Trustees member and technical advisor of Ministry of Energy in Charge of Mineral Resources in the Republic of Djibouti, Eng. Abass Aden Atteyeh.

Through a number of sessions, esteemed speakers presented the study findings and conducted a training course for high-level experts from the Ministry of Energy in Charge of Mineral Resources in Djibouti on the modeling software. In his session, International Energy Expert, Dr. Ali Hainoun focused mainly on training the attendees on “Integrated Energy Planning and Sustainable Energy Development”. In addition to highlighting a number of findings of the study.


DIAPOL aims to support the League of the Arab States - Energy Department to harmonize clean energy strategy development and implementation in the MENA region and to support regional initiatives to promote climate and energy initiatives among LAS member states.

The project is implemented by the German Society for international cooperation GIZ, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU), in cooperation with the league of Arab States and its technical arm RCREEE since its launched in 2014. In 2018, the project second phased commenced.... More

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