Jordan adopts SHAMCI mark and certificate for solar thermal products: Granting instructions issued in official Gazette

February 2020: The Jordanian Official Gazette published Jordan Standards and Metrology Organization (JSMO) Board of Directors decision to endorse and grant Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative (SHAMCI) mark and certification for solar thermal systems. The decision highlights the qualifications needed for obtaining SHAMCI mark in the kingdom, the application process details and the relevant committees.

Besides, it clarifies all fees relevant to granting and obtaining SHAMCI for a period of two years, to be renewed after.

"We are very happy about this discussion as it results from the intensive coordination efforts between SHAMCI team at RCREEE and the JSMO under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan” says RCREEE Executive Director, Dr. Ahmed Badr.

Earlier in 2018, RCREEE signed a cooperation agreement with JSMO which made it the official certification body to issue “SHAMCI" quality mark in Jordan. Accordingly. JSMO became the second Arab certification body following the Egyptian Organization for Standardization & Quality (EOS).

The Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative (SHAMCI) is the first Arab certification scheme for solar thermal products and services in the Arab region. The project provides a regional industrial and regulatory compliance framework for policy makers, industrial sector, and end-consumers. Inspired by the Solar Keymark, SAHMCI is built around specific characteristics and needs of Arab states in the Middle East and North Africa. The project promotes adopting standard quality measures, accreditation systems and quality labels across the Arab region.

SHAMCI was initiated by the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Renewable Energy with the support of the Arabian Industrial Development and Mining Organization (AIDMO) based on the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity (AMEC) of the League of Arab States request.

More details on the decision published at Jordanian Official Gazette:

More details on SHAMCI:

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