Praia, September 22nd, 2021 – A high-Powered ECOWAS parliamentary fact-finding mission on the electoral system and state of preparedness for the presidential elections is currently in Cabo Verde. The mission is to gather information about the electoral system of Cabo Verde, as an example of good practices to inspire other countries.

The delegation led by the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, Hon Sidie Mohamed Tunis, also called on the ECOWAS Special Representative to Cabo Verde, Dr. Samuel Lamptey presently stationed at the headquarters of ECREEE.

The ECOWAS Parliamentary mission was designed to gather necessary information from all stakeholders in the electoral process with a view to identifying the good practices, as well as the gaps. It will also obtain information on the state of preparedness for the elections and as well put forward useful recommendations that would enable Parliament to strengthen the democratic system in Cabo Verde and in other ECOWAS member states.

On behalf of the President of the ECOWAS Commission, Dr. Lamptey described Cabo Verde’s election system as a role model.  He stressed the need to raise awareness about the ECOWAS Commission and its work by integrating it in the curriculum of the country’s secondary education.

The Acting Executive Director of ECREEE, Mr. Bah F. M. Saho informed the delegation that the centre is committed to the promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency in the region. As an example, he spoke about 4 regional policies adopted on Bioenergy, Gender, Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency. He also shared with them information on the Programs carried out by ECREEE, including the capacity building initiative - the Regional Certification Scheme for Sustainable Energy Skills, designed to introduce quality skills for the sustainable energy markets recognized by professionals and end-users across the ECOWAS member states.

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