First Online Training Program on Solar Water Heaters Quality Assurance and Certification Scheme in the Arab region

RCREEEE launched an online training program on Solar Water Heaters (SWHs) Quality Assurance and Certification Scheme in the Arab region. The training course is designed in accordance to Solar Heating Arab Mark and Certification Initiative (SHAMCI) certification rules and according to international standards related to SWHs standardization, testing and certifications.

The course is a self-paced e-learning course which has been designed for a 3-week learning experience. After completion of all modules, a certificate of accomplishment will be automatically generated.

The online training course initiative has been developed in joint collaboration with the League of Arab States (LAS), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and RCREEE, and supported by the UNEP through its Global Solar Water Heating (GSWH) project.  

Adopting a regional certification scheme is beneficial for local authorities, thermal product manufacturers and consumers. It can facilitate trade barriers and regional collaboration; promote industrial quality standards compliance in order to offer high quality products at reasonable costs. This has a direct impact on the consumer level, improving customer confidence and contributes directly to promoting the use of SWHs in the Arab region.

Read more on SHAMCI

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