ECREEE Trains Nigerian Stakeholders on Energy Efficiency

Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) and Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) in ECOWAS member states

Abuja, Nigeria 10th December 2021 - The ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) recently organised a training programme on Industrial Energy Efficiency (IEE) and Resource Efficient Cleaner Production (RECP) in Abuja Nigeria. The five-day workshop included a one day inception workshop and a tree- day training targeting the  Nigeria’s Project Management Unit  and key stakeholders through Programmatic Approaches and the Promotion of Innovation in Clean Technology Solutions.

The project aims to accelerate the adoption of industrial energy efficiency combined with  the resource efficient cleaner production and  improve enterprise environmental performance under the wider umbrella of Resource Efficiency and Cleaner Production best practices. The scheme also seeks  to  innovative approaches within selected small, medium and large scale industrial enterprises in Nigeria.

Speaking at the training, the Ag Executive Director of ECREEE, Bah F.M Saho expressed delight to be part of the forum while apologising for the delay in the implementation schedule of the project. He said advancing energy efficiency while considering environmental and health issues also supports a range of Sustainable Development Goals and Multilateral Environment Agreements, such as the Stockholm Convention, the Minamata Convention, the Montreal Protocol, and the Paris Agreement. Mr Saho thus called for concerted and coordinated efforts noting that  “effective policies need to be not only developed but robustly enforced “

ECREEE has promulgated a Regional Policy on Energy Efficiency dubbed ECOWAS Energy Efficiency Policy (EEEP), which was adopted by the Authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government in 2013.

According the ECREEE Boss, the policy is designed to assist ECOWAS member states to improve on their energy access, energy security and climate change mitigation by promoting an enabling environment for RE&EE investment and industry.

He further clarified that ECREEE would function within the scope of a project knowledge management partner and as a vector for regional dissemination of the different project methodologies as well as a mechanism for international expertise retention. “Improving Nigeria's Industrial Energy Performance will enhance industrial energy efficiency and optimization and  chemical efficiency and cleaner production, as well as  contribute to environmental sustainability, increased energy access and industrial financial improvement” said Mr. Saho.

The Ag Executive Director of ECREEE lamented that “energy guzzlers” have put a huge stress on electricity grids, which has seriously affected the ability to expand access to electricity in the region. “This menace, if not checked will rob us of our development because all our scarce foreign resources will be used to build power plants and buy crude oil at the expense of health, education, and road infrastructure”, he further lamented.

While echoing ECREEE’s resolve to work with more partners to advance market transformation with a view to promote energy efficient and climate friendly environment, Mr. Saho commended UNIDO and GEF for their continued collaboration and support.

In his welcome address, the National Project Coordinator, Oladipo Jacob, said the purpose of the meeting was to look at the work-plan of the project, the various implementing partners’ Terms of Reference in a bid to harmonize and agree on new timelines, and produce a working document that will enhance the flawless implementation of the project.

Mr. Oladipo therefore, urged participants to discuss and agree on a work-plan, timeline, and model for carrying out activities leading to the project's completion and smooth implementation.

The Abuja Inception meeting and training forum brought together representatives from the United Nation’s Industrial Development Organisation including the UNIDO project Coordinator.

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