The RE exhibition was held in the International Hall of Renewable Energy in Dakar, Senegal from November 7 - 10, 2012.

It was organized by EXPO Carrefour Afrique (EXCAF), in partnership with the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Senegal. Over 60 organizations from around the world participated, aiming to showcase their technologies, products and services in the area of renewable energy.

There was a significant presence of the civil society as a whole, particularly students, businessmen and potential investors. There was significant interest in ECREEE's activities, the renewable energy potentials  of Senegal and the region as a whole, and the regulatory frameworks in place.

The ECOWAS Observatory on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECOWREX), developed by ECREEE with the support of the Global Enviroment Facility (GEF), was also presented during the exhibition. The general reaction of participants was very positive towards this new tool, taking into account the huge impact the Observatory will have in  the dissemination of the region's relevant energy related data. As a potential investor remarked, ‘this tool will greatly facilitate our market study and analysis, helping us to decide whether or not to invest’. He also added that the tool was exactly what was needed.

The exhibition also presented the opportunity to inform the general public about the activities of ECREEE, its mission and projects, and the relevance of the centre’s operation in the West African context, as well as the regional RE targets.

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