ECREEE meets with the Energy Directorate of the WAEMU Commission

The Executive Director of ECREEE, Mr. Francis SEMPORE, leads a working mission to regional and sub-regional institutions based in Ouagadougou. This mission is in alignment with ECREEE's 2023 - 2027 strategic plan, which gives priority to strengthening partnerships in general, and in particular those with African regional and sub-regional institutions.

As an introduction to this mission, a working session took place on Monday, June 26, 2023, with the Directorate of Energy and Mines of the Department of Business Development, Mines, Energy, and Digital Economy (DEMEN) of the Commission of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU).

Dr. Paul KOFFI, Commissioner of DEMEN, welcomed the ECREEE delegation and recalled the synergy of actions carried out with the ECOWAS Commissioner for Infrastructure, Energy, and Digitization, aiming at sustainable access to energy for the populations of West Africa. He urged his Directorate of Energy and Mines to strengthen collaboration with ECREEE in Sustainable Energy. The working session between Mr. Lassane OUEDRAOGO, Director of Energy and Mines, and Mr. Francis SEMPORE, with the participation of their respective teams, provided an opportunity to take an overview of the collaboration and to define a roadmap for concerted action in the implementation of activities in the field of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency.

During this mission, exchanges will also take place with the WASCAL Competence Centre (West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use), the Liptako-Gourma Authority (ALG), the Alliance for Biodigester in West and Central Africa (AB/WCA), the Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS), the Volta Basin Authority (ABV), the 2iE Institute, and UNDP.

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