ECOWGEN – Ensuring Gender Parity across the sub region in the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RE & EE) Sector

To promote the participation of women in the RE & EE sector, the African Development Bank (AfDB) provided ECREEE with a grant of USD 1,000,000, through the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Infrastructure Project Preparation Facility Special Fund (NEPAD-IPPF Special Fund), to implement a project entitled: ‘Feasibility study on business opportunities for women in a changing energy value chain in West Africa’. 

The Project is at the stage of Selection of Final Options for the feasibility study.

As part of their assignment, the consultant identified final options for the detailed feasibility studies, including the women CEOs who will serve as the project champions. These final options are as follows:

  • Nigeria: LPG Refill/Bottling Plant (40 MT Capacity)
  • Cote d’Ivoire: Energy Efficiency, Smart Devices & Smart Applications (with big data management)
  • Ghana: Assembling, packaging and distribution of solar home systems
  • Senegal: Solar powered mini-grid for agricultural purposes.

Through development of the feasibility studies, the project seeks to harness this capacity towards increasing the establishment of energy businesses and deployment of energy technologies to meet the energy needs of the region’s mostly unserved population.  

Kindly tune in to Ray power Lagos and Port Harcourt in Nigeria and Joy FM in Ghana for the Public Service Announcement, inviting Expression of Interest from capable female entrepreneurs in the RE and EE sector from Monday 23rd September 2019

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