The ECOWAS center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) has launched a brand new publication: ECOWAS NDC Spotlight “Towards the implementation of sustainable energy goals. Launched at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Twenty Third Conference of Parties “UNFCCC COP23”on the 9th of November 2017 during the joint ECOWAS UEMOA, CILSSS and IFDD side event themed: Implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions in countries: Progress, challenges and perspectives.

The magazine provides the status of implementation of energy sector NDC goals and commitments in the ECOWAS Region towards the achievement of the Paris Agreement.

Highlights of publication:

  • Showcases the distinct energy features of 12 ECOWAS countries and the uniqueness of each country’s energy sector in the implementation of sustainable energy.
  • Highlights the mitigation potential of the region with RE and EE as central pillars of their NDCs.
  • Identifies the great potential to harness renewable resources such as solar and wind, for socio-economic development, creating jobs, providing access to modern energy and new opportunities to women.
  • Notes that there is general consensus that investments, the transfer of technology, as well as, capacity enhancement are critical to overcome NDC implementation challenges.
  • Shows the level of awareness and engagement throughout the region for countries to move forward on their climate agendas.

Noting the significance of the publication, the Executive Director of ECREEE, Mahama Kappiah states that the publication “gives the West African energy sector a common voice at the COP23 and is a contribution to the discourse at COP23 which aims to raise ambition for the implementation of the Paris Agreement through NDCs. The publication presents a succinct and candid reflection of where ECOWAS countries stand in the implementation of their energy sector NDCs goals and showcases the latest developments and activities undertaken in the region to facilitate the implementation of domestic and regional clean energy actions. The publication is also a collection of views from ECREEE partners and organizations supporting NDC implementation around the world. The publication is available in English and French.

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