EACREEE, Copenhagen Centre sign MoU on Accelerating Energy Efficiency in EAC Region

The East African Centre of Excellence for Renewable Energy and Efficiency (EACREEE) and the UNEP DTU Partnership Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to strengthen cooperation on Accelerating Sustainable Energy Access and Energy Efficiency in East Africa in East Africa.  The MoU was signed by the Deputy Director of the Copenhagen Cetre, Dr. Peter Skotner and EACREEE Executive Director Prof. Mackay Okure on 19th October 2019 and 29th October 2019, respectively.

The MoU aims to deepen mutual cooperation through joint initiatives and activities on energy efficiency and climate change to support sustainable development for resilient economies in East Africa, with particular focus on:

  • Identifying skills and knowledge gaps and capacity building,

  • Joint development and implementation of programmes and project on energy efficiency and climate change,

  • Joint outreach activities,

  • Joint advocacy and communication for accelerated uptake of energy efficiency and climate change.

Copenhagen Centre is dedicated to accelerating the uptake of energy efficiency policies and actions at a global scale. The Copenhagen Centre is the global thematic hub for energy efficiency for the United Nations Secretary General’s Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL) initiative, with prime responsibility to support action towards the SEforALL energy efficiency target of doubling the global rate of improvement in energy efficiency by 2030.

The partnership between EACREEE and the Copenhagen Centre will help accelerate the adoption of energy efficiency in the EAC region.  

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