COVID-19 and Energy Transition: Green efforts for post crisis recovery

The unprecedented health and economic crisis caused by the spread of COVID-19 across the globe, triggered several challenges and uncertainties in different sectors, where the renewable energy industry is no exception to this suffering. Renewable energy is well acknowledged as an indisputable solution to sustainably rebuild the economy in the wake of COVID-19. There is an urgent need to adopt proactive measures to mitigate the disruptions to and maintain the growth of the renewable energy industry during and after the pandemic.

The Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) will save no effort in supporting its member states to maintain the renewable energy momentum and mobilize renewable energy solutions as  clean,  reliable,  and  cost-effective  for  essential  services in response to the current COVID-19 challenges,  including  healthcare,  water  and  food  supply.

RCREEE will continue to emphasize the key role of renewable energy in the economic recovery and strengthening the resilience on national, regional and global levels. RCREEE urges governments to revisit the project schedules and support overcoming the negative impacts of COVID-19 on projects implementation and future projects pipeline. RCREEE assert its readiness to help its member states and partners to identify/strengthen policy, fiscal and financial interventions to ensure supporting the RE industry and prioritizing renewable energies in any stimulus measures.

We are optimistic and confident that through concerted efforts and strong commitment towards renewable energies, we will overcome this first of its kind challenge and come up with stronger and greener actions, further pushing renewables profile as a key driver to reduce energy bills, boost job creation, and avail sustainable energy systems for future generations.

In addition, RCREEE has joined forces with IRENA's  joint call to action in response to COVID-19 and the way forward launched lin April 2020. More details:

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