Call for Tender: Establishment of the First Pan-Arab– NGO Focusing on the Promotion of Solar Energy Applications (Arab Solar Association)

RCREEE calls for a tender to establish a new non-governmental organization to operate in the Arab region and be headquartered in Cairo. The center is looking for consultancy service provider (hereinafter referred to as “consultant”)  to conduct this project. The ultimate objective of the consultant is to lead the way of scanning and selecting similar NGOs in the target countries and implement the necessary action plan to establish the regional Arab NGO. The consultant will be working closely with a “Project Mentoring Team – PMT” which is a team of senior managers to discuss and agree on project steps while moving. Eventually, upon reaching the final setup including legalization and organization in the home-base country, the consultant will facilitate the launch of the regional Arab Solar Energy Association as an NGO and its kickoff. Initially, the project is covering the Arab regionز
Consulting firms and independent consultants are welcome to apply.

The deadline of receiving proposals of potential consultants will be September 30, 2013.

More details, please download the TOR

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