Building the Regional Energy Market for an equitable Energy Transition

Freetown, March 20-25, 2023 - The ECOWAS Parliament Joint Committee hosted a delocalized meeting on "Building the Regional Energy Market for an Equitable Energy Transition" in Freetown, Sierra Leone's capital, with crucial steps taken aiming at improving power generation in the West African sub-region, toward an equitable energy transition. 

The meeting's objectives were to inform Parliament about the ECOWAS Commission's plan to ensure: 

  1. A consistent, dependable, and cost-effective supply of power to Member States;
  2. A fair and egalitarian energy transformation; and
  3. Effective private-sector involvement in the growth of West Africa's energy sector.

Mr. Mahmoud Ibrahima N’DAW, Renewable Energy Adviser, on behalf of ECREEE, delivered a presentation stressing the topic of the development and integration of renewable energy in the ECOWAS regional electricity market. During his presentation, he laid out, among other things, solutions to build an inclusive energy market, such as the West Africa Clean Energy Corridor (WACEC), with pillars designed to tackle specific energy needs in the ECOWAS member states, which ECREEE has been implementing successfully since 2016.

The Joint Committee cordially praised the presenters at the conclusion of the meeting for the quality of their presentations and the significance of the solutions they provided to the various concerns expressed by the distinguished members of the parliament.

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