The Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity assigns LAS energy department and RCREEE to undertake series of energy efficiency and renewable energy activities

June 09 2015, under the patronage of the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States Dr. Nabil El Araby, the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity held its 11th annual session. As an observer, the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE) participated in the 11th session held in the league of Arab States headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.

In its 11th session, the council tackled the progress achieved in the electricity filed. The council also discussed the results of the “Arab Electricity Grid” study in addition to the preparations of the 8th exhibition on electrical equipment industries in the Arab world.  The council reviewed the progress of Dr. El Araby renewable energy initiative and the “Pan Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2010-2030” developments. In addition, the council discussed the third celebration ceremony of the Arab Energy Efficiency day hosted by Lebanon on May 21, 2015.

In his speech, the Egyptian Electricity and Renewable Energy Minister and chairman of the Executive Office of the Arab Ministerial Council of Electricity, Dr. Mohamed Shaker praised the constructive cooperation between the council and different agencies and organizations supporting the council activities highlighting RCREEE outstanding role.

The council also paid tribute to RCREEE for the establishment of “Taqaway” electronic database. The council requested the center to present the developments of the projects regularly to the council. Besides, the council reviewed the National Energy Action Plans (NEEAPs) 2014 progress report submitted by RCREEE and requested the center to issue this report on a regular basis.

In light of the fruitful cooperation between LAS energy department and RCREEE the council issued a serious of decisions. Some of which delegated RCREEE to carry out number of activities as follows;

  • The Council Secretariat and RCREEE are to provide technical support to Arab countries to prepare and implement the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAP)
  • Following on  the “Pan Arab Renewable Energy Strategy 2010-2030”; RCREEE is to develop 2 initiatives (proposal, work plan and activities) and submit to the council secretariat to call for a regional meeting to review and support the implementation of the proposed initiatives
  • RCREEE is to issue the 3rd version of the renewable energy and energy efficiency guide “2015 -Daleel”
  • The council secretariat in cooperation with RCREEE and national and international partners  are to provide technical assistance to aid Arab member states in developing and implementing its National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAP)
  • RCREEE in cooperation with MED-ENEC are to develop NEEAP 2015 survey
  • The council secretariat in coordination with RCREEE and the Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptERA) are to issue the final guide for “Connecting Renewable Energy Projects to the Grid” and prepare a related capacity developing program.

The meeting was chaired by H.E the Qatari Minister of Energy and Industry Dr. Mohammed bin Saleh Al Sada.
Dr. Al Sada succeeded the Palestinian Energy Minister, Dr. Omar Katana.

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