4th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum: Integrating Remote Communities into Economies

Since its 1st edition in Madrid in 2015, the annual Forum has become the key milestone event in spring where the clean energy off-grid sector gathers together to learn more about upcoming new support schemes and initiatives by the public sector as well as the latest industry trends and product and service innovations from the private sector.

For the last two years, RECP has partnered with ARE to deliver an even more business focused experience to participants. By providing a dedicated matchmaking service as well as various other contributions, RECP builds networks between African and European businesses, investors and public sector stakeholders.

The ARE Forum in 2018 will take place in Sicily, Italy from March 13 to 15. The Forum is organised in collaboration with RES4Africa and RECP and is the meeting place for 300+ participants from all over the world to identify and get introduced to the most interesting actors to present their own business proposals. The forum will focus on integrating remote communities into economies, as a pathway to promote sustainable development. ECREEE will feature the event as its Executive Director, Mr. Mahama Kappiah will be a panelist discussing new financial support instruments, focusing the ECOWAS reality.

The Forum will be divided into three days and offers a diverse agenda:

  • Day 1: Conference Day & ARE Awards 2018
  • Day 2: RECP Business Matchmaking
  • Day 3: Extra activities planned

ARE collaborates with SEforALL through specifically tailored interventions which lie on the critical path as identified by the Global Tracking Framework (2017). The 4th ARE Energy Access Investment Forum has been identified as a key deliverable to enhance global efforts to promote a level-playing field for decentralised clean energy technology and business solutions.

ARE is offering a unique opportunity to increase your visibility and position your organisation at the forefront of the off-grid sector.

More information, the latest program as well as registration can be found here.

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